A 599 versus a 730 credit score can cost you over $200,000 on a 30-year mortgage!
Take charge of your life today!
Fill out your information for a free Credit Audit.
What should I know about credit?
Credit scores can be between 330-850. The 3 main credit bureaus are Equifax, Transunion, and Experian.
What is the Fair Reporting Act and why is it created?
This legislation is meant to protect consumers and making sure their information being reporting to credit agencies is private, accurate, and fair.
How quickly does credit repair work?
It's important to remember credit repair is not a quick fix and takes time many people can start to see their scores increase as little as 30 days but the process from good to bad credit takes time and strategy.
How is it possible to get negative items removed from my credit?
If items are not 100% accurate, 100% verifiable and timely we will be diligent to make sure they are removed. A lot of the time credit bureaus cannot verify negative marks on your credit.
Am I supposed to do anything to help?
We can setup a personal plan to help you with open accounts and help you work on building positive accounts while we work on fixing negative accounts.
What do I do about creditors calling?
If creditors call you do not give them any information. They ask you to verify information because they do not actually have it please information us if creditors are calling, we can send a cease and desist letter.
How much does credit repair cost?
The initial fee is $100, it covers the credit audit, a plan to removing negative items and access to the online portal.
then $100 a month on the first of every month.
We use to import credit information and monitor credit. It costs $1 to start a 7 day trial then $19.95 a month.